Executive Vice President | Singapour
JF (John to friends) is the archetype of an entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience across various industries, including construction, automotive, and aerospace. He finds true joy in exploring new markets and opportunities, and as a workaholic, he embraces every challenge, regardless of the field.
He has even ventured into the financial and legal sectors, establishing his own law firm in London in 2010. Sharing his experience and helping small businesses navigate the ever-evolving French tax and social laws, despite their increasingly restrictive nature, is another challenge he has taken on.
The creation of Cobalt Legis Protect in 2015 evolved over five years into an international group comprising about fifteen companies in France, the USA, Great Britain, and Réunion. From an initial consulting firm, the group expanded to include three accounting firms, several legal practices, a law firm, and all necessary services for SMEs and
small businesses.
His Belgian origins highlight his identity as a global citizen, open to all cultures and constantly seeking new experiences through his travels. A people person and always focused on business, he adopts an ethical business strategy that has earned him the trust of his peers and allowed him to build lasting and fruitful relationships.